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  • Florist Melaka - Best Floral shops in Melaka



    Melaka Florists – Best Flower Shops in Melaka

    Have you ever been stressed out, just because you could not find a flower shop in Melaka during your vacation? Well, as a matter of fact, it has happened with a number of tourists around that they are unable to reach or access flower shop to please their loved one, family or friends on a […] More

  • Best Pet Shops in Melaka for Pet Lovers



    Best Pet Shops in Melaka for Pet Lovers

    Melaka is counted among the most visited places in Malaysia. The beautiful beaches, rich heritage, exotic food and various other attractions in Melaka, makes it one of the favorite destination for tourists. You shall find that Melaka city never lets its tourists and locals get bored. Apart from the various restaurants, cafés and other necessary […] More