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  • Cheng Ho Cultural Museum Melaka



    Relive the Ming Dynasty at Cheng Ho Cultural Museum in Melaka

    Your decision to visit Melaka can never turn out be the wrong one as there are several tourist attractions in Melaka. The city has a rich history with several historical building, architecture, heritage sites, and museums. Cheng Ho Cultural Museum is one of the prestigious places to visit in Melaka. All the artifacts in the […] More

  • Malacca Malaysia, A must-visit UNESCO world heritage site in Malaysia

    Malacca Malaysia, A Must visit UNESCO World Heritage Site

    Malacca Malaysia’s heritage did not remain unnoticed by the appreciating eyes of UNESCO. The UN body UNESCO rated Malacca Malaysia heritage in 2008. The land is free of smoke and enjoys the status of example for the countries and regions that want to maintain a healthy environment. The area is habitat for many species including […] More

  • Top 10 Historical Places to Visit in Melaka Malaysia

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    Top 10 Historical Places to Visit in Melaka

    Melaka is a small state of Malaysia that covers not more than 1,664 km² area. This small state with population of around 800,000 in 2010 offers great hospitality to the visitors every world. You will find historical buildings, local food and shopping places here, but let us now introduce you to the aspect that Melaka […] More

  • Jonker Walk Melaka, A must have experience in the historic Jonker Steet of Melaka Malaysia

    Jonker Walk Melaka, A Must have Experience in Malacca

    The Jonker Walk Melaka is a beautiful journey where every feeling is magnified from love to inspiration and the craving to eat and buy. A must-have experience in Melaka, this walk in the famous Jonker street of Melaka is a favorite activity among tourists. There are finest vehicles in Melaka yet people prefer to walk […] More

  • Visit Jonker Street Melaka for food, shopping, history, local crafts, gifts & souvenirs

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    Visit Jonker Street Melaka (Malacca) for Non Stop Fun

    The Jonker Street Melaka is center of city in many aspects. A traveler could find here only antique shop once but the street has grown bigger over time. You will now find a lot of food, clothes, handmade gifts and great shopping opportunities. Jonker Street is like jinnee of fun enclosed in a small bottle. […] More